Republican Groups
Christian Conservative
312 membersA group for those who adhere to a faith-based, right-leaning perspective on the political spectrum, holding traditional values and typically advocating for conservative policies.
544 membersA group for those who generally prefer to maintain the status quo in terms of government policy, believing that government intervention should be minimal and campaigns should focus on fiscal responsibility.
Conservative Republican
385 membersA group for those who support the Republican party and its core principles, advocating for limited government and liberties, while remaining socially and fiscally conservative.
Far Right
98 membersA group for those who have a strong belief in the sanctity of traditional values, believing that government should have a minimal role in the lives of citizens and emphasizing individual responsibility.
Fiscally Conservative
206 membersA group for those who prioritize economic policies that promote economic stability and responsible spending, believing that the government should have a limited role in the economy.
Independent, Leans Republican
95 membersA group for those who are not committed to either of the two major parties, but who lean more towards Republican policies on social and economic issues.
Lean Right
92 membersA group for those whose political views are considered more right-leaning than the general population, favoring lower taxes and limited government.
Liberal Republican
29 membersA group for those who advocate for a more progressive approach to Republican ideals, such as protecting civil liberties, while still maintaining conservative principles.
Lifelong Republican
96 membersA group for those who have been committed to the Republican party since they were young, believing in traditional conservative values and advocating for limited government interference.
33 membersA group for those who strongly support the Make America Great Again movement, believing in the strength of the United States and the power of its citizens to make a positive change.
Moderate Republican
111 membersA group for those who don’t completely align with the traditional Republican party platform, advocating for a combination of both socially conservative and socially liberal policies.
Neoconservative (Neocon)
25 membersA group for those who have a strong belief in American exceptionalism and advocate for an interventionist foreign policy, while still maintaining traditional conservative values.
24 membersA group for those who believe in traditional conservative values, but also advocate for more state and local control and less government intervention.
Populist Republicans
20 membersA group for those who identify with the Republican party and support populist policies, believing that the government should be held accountable to the will of the people.
49 membersA group for those who believe that individuals should have the right to make their own decisions about their reproductive health, advocating for access to safe and legal abortions.
230 membersA group for those who believe that life begins at conception and advocate for the protection of the unborn, believing that abortion should be illegal in all circumstances.
Religious Right
99 membersA group for those who identify with a specific religious tradition and use their faith as the basis for their political beliefs, strongly advocating for socially conservative policies.
Social Republican
45 membersA group for those who support the Republican party and its core principles, but also advocate for more progressive policies on social issues, such as education and healthcare.
Log Cabin Republican
23 membersA group for those who identify as Republican, but also support LGBTQ rights, believing that a more inclusive approach is necessary for the party to succeed.
Radical Republican
30 membersA group for those who want to push the Republican party to the extreme right, advocating for a more aggressive approach to conservative policies and agendas.
Republican National Committee
47 membersA group for those who support the Republican National Committee and its policies, believing that the party should focus on traditional conservative values and limited government intervention.
Rockefeller Republican
11 membersA group for those who support the Republican party and its core principles, but also advocate for more progressive policies on economic issues, such as taxes and social welfare.
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