Joined: February 8, 2010
Posts: 9
Posted: Post subject: Be honest and accept some damned blame why dontcha!! |
[b] Over and over, again and again I hear many a republican accusing President Obama of " Saddling Our Grandchildren With A Mountain Of DEBT " Completely Ignoring the FACT that many of those same republicans contributed to that Mountain of debt they now pretend is ALL Obama's fault. Truth be told, many a democrat joined in on the buy now, bill generations X,Y,Z credit plan, but when you're the majority party for 6 of the 8yrs it took to not only spend every nickel of the surplus you inherited then rack up "more debt that EVERY previous administration COMBINED" (Yes, from Clinton's all the way back to Washington's) it's obvious which party earned the lion's share of the blame.
Question 1. Has this country been fighting 2 wars for 7+ yrs?
Answer 1. Yes.
Question 2. Can anyone here say how they've been paid for the whole time?
Answer 2. We Borrowed Every Nickel of it.
The Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, anybody know how much that's cost to date, I don't, but what I do know is we borrowed every nickel of it.
Question 3. Did the rich get richer under President George W. Bush?
Answer 3. Hell Yeah!
Question 4. Did the middle class and or the poor get richer under President George W. Bush?
Answer 4. Hell No, we stayed just about where we were for 8yrs.
LOL.. now lets make a bet., how many "republicans" will read this and either deny it ALL or completely ignore it then go on pretending the national debt's all President Obama's fault? Betcha at least 85% will [b]